St. Anthony School

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Safe Environment

  • Safe Environment Training

    The Safe Environment Program was established by the Archdiocese of Seattle in an effort to protect children and young people and to establish norms for those working with them, whether in schools, parishes or clubs.

    It is the policy of the Archdiocese, as well as St. Anthony School, to require all staff and volunteers to complete one three hour Safe Environment session entitled Protecting God's Children as well as a background check. This class teaches how to prevent and identify possible child abuse and need only be taken once. The background check is valid for three years. When it is time to renew your background check, you will be required to take an online refresher Safe Environment class.

    Any volunteer who is working in the classroom, driving on a field trip, assisting at lunch, during recess or at BASS, running a club or teaching an after school class, is required to be up to date with Safe Environment classes and have a current background check.

    I am new to volunteering, how do I get started?

    The three hour foundation class, Protecting God’s Children is held at different parishes throughout the Archdiocese and you may sign up to take a class at any parish or school. You must create a profile, electronically sign policies, submit your background check information and pre-register for this class through Virtus at this link. For questions please contact Jon Gablehouse at 425-277-6162 or [email protected].

    I am a current volunteer, how do I know if I am compliant?

    The Virtus system will email you when it is time to renew your background check and take the online refresher class, Keeping the Promise Alive. If you receive emails from Virtus Help Desk, the school or the parish notifying you it is time to update, please do so as soon as possible to become compliant.

    Yearly online refresher classes are no longer required. You will take an online class when you renew your background check every three years. This can be taken at your own convenience from your home computer. It takes about 20 minutes. If you need help finding your User ID and password to log on to your profile please contact Jon Gablehouse at 425-277-6162 or [email protected].